The post preceding this one is the lyrics to Sarah McLachlan's song "Ordinary Miracle". I really love the song, and it spoke to me today in a way that I had not experienced it before.
I have always believed that there is a natural order to the Universe and that all things unfold in the exact way they are suppose to. The thing I realized today is that, as human beings we 'get in our own way'.
We have trust in the universe that our cells grow, our lungs take in air, the trees grow, the sun shines, flowers bloom. We don't really worry about these things too much. We have faith that they will do what they are suppose to.
Why is it then, that as human beings we worry and fret about so many things in our lives and relationships. I wonder if the tree worries that its trunk is too thick? Or that its branches are too long? or that they have too many leaves? is neuroses a condition that only humans are saddled with?
Do our ego's and pride cause more worry and stress? If we had more trust in the Universe, that things are all on the right track and that things are unfolding the way they are suppose to, would we be able to relax and enjoy more?
Everyone that I know worries, about there weight, their relationship, getting a job if they are unemployed. I wonder if we just stopped and had faith, that our lives would be less complicated. Could we potentially have less disease, less depression, less angst about our every day to day lives?
When I identify things that I trust and have faith relationship with God, the love I have for my children....I don't have any angst about them. They are effortless and I trust in them. I need to start having more faith in me, and let go of some of the things I struggle with.
Easier said than done, I know. I am always stressing about my weight, I worry that people won't like me, or be attracted to me because I have a few extra pounds, it becomes all consuming. I wonder what would happen if I TRULY let the issue of my weight go....
I wonder if I would be free to fully be myself, with out thinking that people are judging me, and in the process, win people with my authentic heart. My organic way of BEING. An interesting thought. I can already hear my head refuting even the possibility. I have some work to do.......