Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!

Christmas Eve the kids and I drove into Toronto around 9:00am. We had prepared 10 'Care' packages for the homeless, consisting of a Brown bag lunch, a pair of gloves and a wool hat. If you recall in my previous post, when we went ice skating at Nathan Phillips Square, the kids saw some homeless people huddled along Bay Street and were quite affected by what they saw.

I decided that it would be a great lesson, and gift, to do something this Christmas to 'give back'. We have so many blessings in our lives to be grateful for, and I wanted my kids to be truly present to what this 'season' is really about....'Giving'.

I have to say, that I have never received a greater gift personally. The feeling I got in the 'giving' was the greatest gift I ever recall 'receiving'. "Thank You"

After the Care Package distribution we saw 'Disney on Ice' at the Rogers Centre. It was a lot of fun and the kids and I had a great time. We went to an open house at a family friends with my sister in the evening, and enjoyed a great evening of Christmas cheer. On the way home we drove by a house that had been decorated for the holidays. It was one of those houses that you see on the news that creates traffic jams. People were gathered in front of the home and enjoyed the 'lights' display. It was really great to see!

Christmas morning Jo Anne came over early before the kids woke up, so we could all be together. The kids, Jo, my parents, sister, and myself, all enjoyed a great Christmas breakfast, and then headed to my Aunt and Uncles for Christmas dinner. During dinner my Uncle Michael announced that my cousin Kelly and her husband Steve are expecting their first baby, due in July 2007. Exciting news for sure!!!

Boxing day was relaxing, and quiet. Most of the family headed back to my Aunt and Uncle's home for dinner and games etc. Being of British decent, Boxing Day is an important part of Christmas, and a celebration unto itself. We play games, and enjoy the day as a family. It was such a busy time this year, I decided to stay close to home on Boxing Day, and just relaxed. It was just what I needed.

We all had a great Christmas, received and gave many great gifts, ate and drank too much, and just enjoyed all being together.

Merry Christmas to all my dear friends and family!!!!.......Tis' the Season~

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Secret

The Secret has existed throughout the history of humankind. It has been discovered, coveted, suppressed, hidden, lost and recovered. It has been hunted down, stolen, and bought for vast sums of money.
Now for the first time in history, The Secret is being revealed to the world over two breathtaking hours. A number of exceptional men and women discovered The Secret, and went on to become known as the greatest people who ever lived. Among them: Plato, Leonardo, Galileo, Napoleon, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Edison, Einstein and Carnegie, to name but a few.
Fragments of The Secret have been found in the oral traditions, in literature, in religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. For the first time, all the pieces of The Secret come together in an incredible revelation which will be life transforming for all who experience it.
Some of today's greatest teachers will be presented in The Secret and will impart this special wisdom that has been known by so few. They include some of the world's leaders in the fields of business, economics, medicine, psychology, history, theology and science. Each of these teachers is living proof of The Secret; each of them a walking marvel of achievement and success...
Included are; 'Miracle Man' Morris Goodman, who tells his awe inspiring story of how he recovered from paralysis by using The Secret. Dr. Denis Waitley, who used various aspects of The Secret in training Olympic athletes and Apollo astronauts to reach new heights of human endeavour.
Best selling authors and philosophers including Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, James Ray and Joe Vitale, explain how they have created lives of phenomenal success utilising The Secret. Doctors in the fields of medicine and quantum physics explain the science behind The Secret.
The Secret reveals amazing real life stories and testimonials of regular people who have changed their lives in profound ways. By applying The Secret they present instances of eradicating disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles and achieving what many would regard as impossible.
Secret reveals how to apply this powerful knowledge to your life in every area from health to wealth, to success and relationships. The Secret is everything you have dreamed of... and is beyond your wildest dreams.
I just purchased a copy of 'The Secret'. I had heard about it, and WOW, it's all I thought it would be and more!
I had mentioned 'What The Bleep Do We Know?' several posts back, and if you liked 'What The Bleep' you MUST see 'The Secret'.
It gives you the tools to profoundly change the way you live and to 'create' the life you want. A must see!!!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Cheetah Girls

OK, so tonight I took my daughter Alex, and her girlfriend Natasha to the Cheetah Girls concert at the Air Canada Centre.
Me and thousands of screaming pre-teens. At one point I actually thought my ears were going to bleed, but alas, they didn't and I survived.
Too much leopard print, and bare mid-drifts, and that was just on the 'Mom's' ;)
I locked my car keys in the car, which led to an event filled evening involving CAA, but all in all the girls had a great evening.
I think I get "Father of the Year" for this one! Hope you enjoyed it "Flower"....Kisses!

My Little Volleyball Star

My son Nick made the Volleyball team at his school. I attended his first game today. I was so proud of him, he plays really well. His team won all their games, and they advanced to the next level. YAY NICK!!! Proud of you baby!!!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Nathan Phillips Square

Tonight I took the kids into Toronto to Nathan Phillips Square to go ice skating.

Me, my kids, my Mom, my Aunt and Cousin all loaded in our cars with hot chocolate and drove down town. As we drove up Bay Street my kids noticed some of the cities homeless bundled in their sleeping bags on random street corners, and couldn't quite figure out what was going on?
Living in Burlington, we don't really have a visible homeless population, and my kids were quite profoundly affected by the site they saw. I personally am desensitized to it I guess, as I am in the city quite often. It occurred to me that it's a sight that no one should be comfortable with in 2006.

It occurred to me that my kids and I are so lucky for all we have, and it made me think how I could give something back?, and in the process teach my kids about giving back, and to be grateful for all the blessing in our lives.
Anyway, we got to Nathan Phillips Square, and enjoyed an evening of ice skating. There was an outdoor concert featuring Devine Brown, and a grand finale of fire works over City Hall.

After the fireworks, we walked along Queen Street and looked at the Christmas window displays at the Bay. It was a really fun evening~

Monday, December 04, 2006


Saturday night I enjoyed Garden City Productions version of "Chicago", performed at The Mandeville Theatre, located on the campus of Ridley College in St. Catherine's.

My friend Darryl was in the production, and was really amazing. The cast was a varied group from all walks of life. The one thing they all had in common was a love of theatre.

I was really impressed with the calibre of the performance. The singing and dance numbers were really professionally done. It made for a great evening.

After the show, we went out for drinks with the cast, and had a chance to get to know each of them on a more personal level. What a great bunch of people.

Thanks to everyone in the Cast for a great show and a great evening. Great job Darryl, can't wait to see you in your next show.