Monday, October 30, 2006

Balance Coaching

This weekend I attended the "Balance" course with The Coaches Training Institute.

I knew most of the faces, but there were a couple of new ones. It's nice to be with a group of like minded individuals, people who are in a similar mind set regarding personal development. All of the group is beginning to feel like family. Some of the connections that I have made in the courses have overflown into real friendships.

I really felt aligned as I entered the weekend, and I got a lot of great learning, as always!

The 'Balance' approach to coaching, takes a look at 'perspectives', and how they can look different from a variety of positions. Simply moving around your space, physically, can help you look at a situation or area within your life that you feel 'stuck' differently. It was quite profound.

As the possibilities open, and shift, you can decide on the new perspective of choice. Once the new perspective has been decided upon, you then brainstorm on creating action items, finally concluding with a commitment. It sounds so simple, and yet was remarkably effective.

I personally was able to look at some areas within my life that I struggle with, and have felt 'stuck'. As the possibilities opened up, I realized that I have more options that I realized, and felt empowered in looking at new perspectives. It felt liberating, and freeing.

Thanks to Caroline, Ken, Barbara, Liliane, and Annie. Looking forward to 'Process' in November! Love and peace to you all! NAMASTE

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